
Dr. Reza Ahmadzadeh

Plastic Surgeon practicing in facelifts/neck lifts, upper and lower eyelid surgery,  breast enhancement, breast lift,  breast augmentation, and tummy tucks.

Dr. Reza is a Canadian board-certified Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon and is dedicated to providing his patients a customized approach to achieve their aesthetic goals.

Dr. Reza is a firm believer that each patient who comes into his office are interested in reaching the best version of themselves. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to cosmetic surgery. His approach and overall goal is to provide everyone with surgical and non-surgical options that best suit their aesthetic needs.

Areas of Expertise

Body Surgery

Arm Lift

Body Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Body Surgery

Breast Lift

Body Surgery

Breast Reconstruction

Body Surgery

Breast Reduction

Facial Surgery

Brow Lift

Facial Surgery

Ear Surgery

Facial Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Facial Surgery


Body Surgery


Body Surgery

Male Breast Reduction

Body Surgery

Mommy Makeover

Facial Surgery

Neck Lift

Body Surgery

Thigh Lift

Body Surgery

Tummy Tuck

Dr. Reza Ahmadzadeh's Before & Afters

See all of Dr. Reza Ahmadzadeh's Before & Afters

Professional Background

As a Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Reza has access to the most current techniques and trends. Combined with his natural passion to pursue the latest advances and the highest standards of personalized care. Dr. Reza founded his own premier plastic surgery clinic in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 2014. In addition to founding his private practice, Dr. Reza has been a clinical assistant professor in the department of surgery at The University of Dalhousie since 2014.

Dr. Reza currently holds a clinical assistant professor position for the faculty of Medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland since 2014.

Educational Background

Dr. Reza was born and raised in Iran, where he studied medicine for six years before he immigrated in 2001 to Halifax, Nova Scotia. After immigrating to Canada, Dr. Reza further pursued his education by completing a three-year Bachelor of Science, and his Medical Doctorate at The University of Dalhousie (Class of 2008). He then completed his Plastic Surgery residency at The University of Dalhousie for five years before graduating in 2013. He stayed another year at The University of Dalhousie, as a fellow, for further specialized training in Hand and Microsurgery.

Interested in meeting with Dr. Reza Ahmadzadeh?

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