
Dr. Alex Corneman

Plastic Surgeon practicing in general and reconstructive plastic surgery, craniomaxillofacial and massive weight loss.

Dr. Corneman is a highly skilled Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who serves as the Division Lead of Plastic Surgery for Kitchener-Waterloo and the surrounding region.

Dr. Corneman is a highly skilled Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who serves as the Division Lead of Plastic Surgery for Kitchener-Waterloo and the surrounding region. He strives for a patient-centred approach to provide customized treatment plan.

Areas of Expertise

Body Surgery

Arm Lift

Body Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Body Surgery

Breast Lift

Body Surgery

Breast Reduction

Facial Surgery

Ear Surgery

Facial Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Body Surgery


Body Surgery

Male Breast Reduction

Body Surgery

Mommy Makeover

Body Surgery

Thigh Lift

Body Surgery

Tummy Tuck

Dr. Alex Corneman's Before & Afters

See all of Dr. Alex Corneman's Before & Afters


Tummy Tuck

Professional Background

Dr. Corneman serves as the Division Head of Plastic Surgery for Kitchener-Waterloo and the surrounding communities at GraceMed Kitchener. He incorporates a wide range of reconstructive procedures with OHIP in addition to cosmetic plastic surgery.

Educational Background

Dr. Corneman earned his Bachelor of Biochemistry Honours degree from Bishop's University in Quebec. He continued to Queen's University School of Medicine and would complete his residency in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at McMaster University.

Interested in meeting with Dr. Alex Corneman?

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