
Katey Toth

Medical Aesthetician practicing in laser treatment, skin resurfacing, hair removal, micro-needling, chemical peels, skin tightening, body contouring, facials, and skincare.

Katey is a highly experienced medical aesthetician who loves to help others gain confidence through improving skin health and providing high-quality service to all her patients.

Katey is a medical aesthetician with over 10 years of experience. She enjoys providing patients with the most up-to-date treatments and prides herself on continuing her education by attending aesthetic training sessions and completing new certifications whenever possible. She has worked with a variety of product lines and has experience with many technologies available in the industry today. She continues to learn and grow by seizing every opportunity to expand her knowledge and educate patients.

Areas of Expertise

Laser Treatments

BBL/IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Tightening


Body Contouring


Laser Treatments

EXION® Face & Neck

Body Contouring

EmSculpt® NEO

Laser Treatments

HALO™ Skin Resurfacing

Hair Reduction

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Treatments

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Facials and Exfoliating Treatments

Medical-Grade Facials

Skincare Products

Medical-Grade Skincare

Facials and Exfoliating Treatments




Skin Analysis

VISIA® Skin Analysis

Katey Toth's Before & Afters

See all of Katey Toth's Before & Afters

Interested in meeting with Katey Toth?

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