Belkyra™ Injectables & Double Chin Treatment

Known as Kybella™ in the United States, this injectable compound causes the fat cells at the treatment site to break down, reducing the appearance of a double chin.

What is Belkyra™?

While fat accumulation below the chin is considered only overweight individuals experience, many people who are of average weight have a slight double chin. The active ingredient is deoxycholic acid (DA), the same chemical substance that the body uses to break down fats during digestion. This compound is safe and naturally derived, with a low risk of adverse reactions. Belkyra targets and eliminates fat cells when injected into the area under your chin. Belkyra gradually improves your chin profile over a number of treatments customized by your physician. Once your desired results are achieved, re-treatment is not expected.

Why use Belkyra™?

What causes a double chin? Excess fat below the chin can develop due to any of the following reasons:


Research reveals that a double chin not related to weight gain can be inherited. If you have an immediate relative who has a double chin even when at a healthy weight, you have an increased risk of experiencing excess submental fat.


Even if you don’t gain weight as you get older, you may notice a slight double chin forming. This happens because the skin around the jawline gets looser over time and the muscles of the face also droop. As they do, fat deposits on the face descend, resulting in pronounced jowls and a double chin.

Jaw Structure

People with a weak or receding jawline are more likely to notice a bulge of fat beneath their chin, which often becomes more prominent as they get older.

Bad Posture

Over several years, poor posture can weaken the muscles of the face and neck. Because muscles help to compress deposits of the subcutaneous fat, weak neck, and face muscles can contribute to double chin formation.

Regardless of what’s causing your double chin, Belkyra injections can help. This treatment is a convenient non-surgical way to permanently reduce excess fat.

Belkyra™ Candidates

Belkyra might be the right procedure for you if:

  • You’re bothered by “your double chin”
  • Surgery is not a viable option for you
  • You eat well and exercised, but genetics trumps your hard word

Belkyra™ Procedure

Belkyra treatment typically takes about 15-20 minutes in our GraceMed office. Your physician will administer a series of injections into the area under your chin at each treatment session. Many of our patients treated with Belkyra experience noticeable improvement in their chin profile in 2-4 treatments. Some individuals require up to 6 treatments in order to achieve results.

Belkyra™ Recovery

Downtime is minimal and occurred most commonly after the first treatment session. As with other injectable treatments, you may experience side effects with Belkyra. Common side effects are bruising, swelling, pain, and numbness.

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Locations this procedure is offered

North York

1333 Sheppard Ave E, Unit 345
North York, ON M2J 1V1
Closest intersection: Sheppard & Leslie
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Downtown Burlington

481 John Street Ste. 200,
Burlington, ON, L7R 2K8
Closest intersection: John St & Maria St
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22 Quarry Ridge Road,
Barrie, ON L4M 7G1
Closest intersection: Quarry Ridge & Gallie Crt
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Kerr Village Oakville

135 Brant Street
Oakville, ON, L6K 2Z8
Closest intersection: Brant & Rebecca
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Olde Oakville

445 Inglehart St N,
Oakville, ON L6J 3J5
Closest intersection: Inglehart & Cornwall
OHIP Referral Fax Number - 905-844-8200
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Commonly Asked Questions

Can I use Belkyra to treat other areas of fat on my body other than my chin?

No. The only safe and effective use of Belkyra for use outside the submental region has not been establed nor cleared.

What are the common side effects of Belkyra?

In most cases, swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, areas of hardness, tingling or itchiness in and around the treatment area.

How many Belkyra treatments will I need?

Your chin profile with improve gradually after a number of treatment sessions customized by your GraceMed physician. We recomment 2-4 treatments which are administered at 4-6 week intervals. Up to 6 treatments may be administered over time.

When will I see results from Belkyra?

Your appearance will gradually improve with each treatment session. Many people see visible improvements in just 2-4 treatments. After the injection, the process of eliminating the fat cells occurs over the next 4 weeks. Optimum results will be seen 4-6 weeks after your treatment.

How effective is Belkyra?

80% of people treated with Belkyra report satisfaction with the appearance of their face and chin. People reported improvement in their self-perception, and happiness.