

closeup of a women with rosey cheeks on a blush background

Rosacea (Redness) is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes redness or flushing in the face. GraceMed offers treatment options to reduce the appearance of rosacea.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that appears as persistent redness or flushing in the face. It is commonly seen on the nose and cheeks but can also spread to the forehead, chin, ears, chest, and back. Over time, the redness becomes more noticeable, and visible blood vessels may appear in the affected areas. As the condition progresses, red bumps or pimples may also develop on the skin, similar to acne.

There are four main subtypes of rosacea, each having different characteristics:

  • Erythemato-telangiectatic rosacea is defined by flushing and redness which may not always be present and is sometimes accompanied by swelling, burning, stinging, roughness and visible red blood vessels.
  • Papulopustular rosacea is characterized by persistent redness and bumps that look like acne.
  • Phymatous rosacea often occurs on the nose and causes skin tissue to be enlarged and bumpy.
  • Ocular rosacea may affect the eyes and eyelids, causing redness, burning, stinging, dryness, sensitivity to light, blurred vision or watery, bloodshot eyes.

Rosacea typically develops between the ages of 30 and 50 and is more common among women and those with fair skin. The condition can have significant social and psychological impacts. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available that can significantly reduce rosacea symptoms and keep the condition under control.


Rosacea sufferers often find that their condition will flare up in response to triggers such as certain foods, alcohol, weather changes, overexertion, stress, or medications. Although the exact cause of rosacea has not been determined, the condition can be controlled and the redness greatly reduced. Without intervention, rosacea will likely continue to worsen as a person ages.


GraceMed offers several effective treatment options to help reduce the appearance of rosacea. These include prescription medication, BBL™, medical-grade skincare, and appropriate sun protection products.

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